
idaknowwheretogo is a blog chronicling our misadventures, we’re a couple who take advantage of any excuse to travel, eat, drink, and be merry whenever we have an opportunity to briefly escape work and hit the open road.

In 2014 we began our blog at Hoop’s Marvel Ranch in Idaho, tending to the goats and chickens, planning our next steps while picking plums and soothing our anxious unemployed nerves with buckets of ice cream.

Then, it was off to New York City, or the Big, Rotten Apple as we call it — to struggle to survive for several years while making only enough money to buy coffee.

After that misery, we decided to take 6 months off and travel around the globe. We only got halfway, but saw a bunch of Asia — and along the way caught the Indian travel bug (not what you think!).

Finally, we settled in London, after a quick tour of Eastern Europe to waste time while we figured out our next steps, and inadvertently getting in touch with our roots. Here in London, we are thriving and figuring out which distant shore is calling our names now.

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